The MamaBear Family Monitoring App Can Help With Parental Anxiety About Teen Driving

anxiety about teen driving

It’s totally normal for parents to dread certain phases of their children’s development. It’s only normal that we fear letting our young ones out into the world and as they grow that anxiety can grow with the freedom our kids experience. A difficult and common one of these anxieties are when we first let our kids behind the wheel. The combination of an expensive automobile, a young and excited teenager, the very real risk of other drivers and a potential accident make us all understandably nervous about handing over the keys for the first time.

The good news is there are options to help significantly lower this anxiety. Options like the MamaBear family monitoring app can help ease parental anxiety when their teen is driving. The combination of MamaBear driving alerts, location alerts and nearly real time monitoring provides parents the ability to keep a much closer eye on a newly licensed teen. MamaBear lets parents know where they are going, and that they are obeying programmed speed limits.

The MamaBear location based alerts can inform a parent when their child is at a dangerous location or isn’t a place they are schedule to attend. This feature ensures that parents know their children are going to pre-approved locations. If a parent wants to monitor more frequently, active GPS monitoring can allow parents to watch an entire trip and confirm the kids are on route. Driving speed alerts give parents relevant information to talk to their children about vehicle responsibility and safe speed driving.

By providing parents with this nearly real-time data regarding location and vehicle speed, the MamaBear family monitoring app lets parents rest easy when the kids have the car. Many parents are reporting that the MamaBear app is facilitating conversations about car usage that they never expected to have. With MamaBear, a young driver can be trusted to run errands, help parents and even use the car for their own devices, all while allowing parents input and peace of mind about their teens’ driving habits.

The MamaBear app is available for download on Android devices here and Iphone devices here.

5 Things to Pack for Your Child’s Spring Travel

spring trip kids

The makers of the MamaBear family tracker app know a little something about spring parenting. Every year spring means traveling for thousands of kids all around the United States. As our kids grow up, they want to do more than simple afternoon trips and sleepovers. Day trips to amusement parks, camping trips and spring break trips are all commonplace for modern tweens and teens. To ensure our children have a safe and easy spring travel experience, we’ve made a list of five good options parents should pack for their children.

1. Extra Clothes

Even when our kids pack well, they aren’t always prepared for sudden weather shifts or bad weather days that are fairly frequent in many spring break locations. Packing a few extra days’ worth of clothes will ensure your kids stay warm, clean and dry over a camping trip or extended spring trip.

2. Snacks

It’s utterly astounding what our kids think they can live off of when we aren’t around. A diet of fast food, gas station sandwiches and energy drinks will make any trip less fun for our kids. We’ve found that every time we pack healthy snacks and drinks for our kids, they eat them! They can gain valuable nutrition even away from home.

3. Money

Even when we take our kids with us on spring break, kids can be a bit of a money sink. Eating out for most meals, buying knick-knacks and general entertainment like arcades and movie theaters cost even more in many common spring destinations. Packing a little extra money away that our kids can access in case of an emergency can make all the difference to our kids’ vacation.

4. Cell Phone and an Extra Charger

Spring trips and spring break can make an excellent time to give a child a cellphone. Even for kids that already have a cellphone, parents can rest a little easier if they know the phone made it onto the trip and that chargers are available. Packing an extra charger lets us know the phone is charged and on for the entire trip. This is especially important if you’ve loaded installed a parenting app like the MamaBear family tracking app.

5. MamaBear app

The MamaBear family tracking app was made to give parents peace of mind over exactly this type of occasion. With MamaBear installed onto a child’s phone, a parent can easily monitor their locations, as well as their social activity. This lets us know our kids are behaving as much as we expect them to over a spring trip.

By following these five easy tips from the makers of the MamaBear family tracking app, parents can make sure their children have a safe and successful spring trip.

So You’re Searching For a Kid Tracker – Where Should You Look?


When you’re looking for an option for kid tracker technology, it can often mean that you’re moving beyond what you feel is your normal range of monitoring. This can be because you’re giving your kid some added responsibility, like driving or an extended curfew. It can also mean that you’re worried about where your child is and if they’re safe. We developed the MamaBear kid tracker app to give parents an easy option, no matter what reason you need to track your kid.

So where should you look and what should you look for in a kid tracker device or app?

Searching online is usually the best tool for finding options in a kid tracker app or device. Child tracking devices and apps are still a relatively new concept and aren’t too commonly available. Search engines offer us several options for kid trackers, but a wide range of options doesn’t always mean a wide range of effective solutions when we’d like to track our children. The Google Play Store provides options like the MamaBear kid tracker app for Android powered phones. The Apple App Store provides options for iPhones and other iOS enabled devices.

For a new and growing technology like kid tracker devices and apps, the web seems like the obvious choice for both shopping and research. Popular search engines provide answers to all sorts of parenting questions, including options when it comes to tracking our kids. Search engines can provide a broad range of options for research sake, but often have so many items at such varied costs that it can be difficult to come to a decision. That’s why many parents opt to use a smartphone as a kid tracker. A smartphone is a simple solution that the child will be happy to carry on them at all times.

Smartphones work wonders for kid trackers, and that means finding apps.

The Google Play Store and the Apple App store are good places to find all sorts of parenting apps. Both app retailers offer approved apps parents can trust. MamaBear is available on both the Google Play Store and the App Store and offers several options for parents to track their kids online and in the real world. The MamaBear app is an effective solution to turn a smartphone into a parenting tool and is a great example of an app being used as a kid tracker.

No matter what your reason is for needing a kid tracker, MamaBear is there to help. Our child monitoring app has received extensive media coverage, and we’re glad to offer our app for free during our current public beta test.

Download the MamaBear kid tracker app for Android here

Download the MamaBear kid tracker app for Iphone here

Do you need a child tracking device to keep your kids safe?

track kids app

MamaBear presents an easy solution to parents who are curious about using a child tracking device. As long as GPS tracking has been available, parents have looked at it as a potential parenting solution in the form of child tracking devices. The market for a functional, effective and affordable child tracking device continues to expand. Key chains, bracelets, fobs that hang from backpacks are all viable versions of a child tracking device. The most recent wave of GPS advancement, particularly when it comes to smartphones, has given birth to apps making smartphones a popular, and effective, solution when parents want an easy child tracking device.

When GPS tracking technology first became commercially available, it still tended to be a little bulky. This made tracking anything require a large and extensive setup like a LoJack and was prohibitively expensive. As GPS technology got better, the average GPS tracker shrunk and the costs dropped. This gave parents the first wave of functional child tracking devices. Now a parent has several options for a child tracking device. Ultimately micro GPS technology has made smartphones an effective option to track our children.

Apps like MamaBear are cheaper than key fobs or GPS enabled accessories. With many children already receiving smartphones and at younger and younger ages, a child tracking app can turn any GPS enabled smartphone into a child tracking device. This means that parents can double the value of a phone, by saving parents from having to buy an additional GPS tracker.

Accessories and key fobs can easily be lost. Giving a child a smartphone for the first time with a pre-loaded GPS tracking app is a convincing argument to try the app out. Phones are also far less likely to be left behind or forgotten somewhere – what kid do you know with a cellphone that doesn’t have it attached to them at all times?

While there is certainly room in the growing market for alternate child tracking devices, we think that apps are by far the best option. The technology has pushed the GPS tracking market into existing cellphone technology, making it inexpensive you already plan on your children using a smartphone. Children are more likely to accept a child tracking device if it comes in the form of a new Android phone or iOS enabled device than a keychain or tracking bracelet. Children are also less likely to throw away a phone loaded with an app like MamaBear than they may be to lose a GPS bracelet or keychain dongle. MamaBear continues to push the technology and application further, by adding social media and location based alerts to standard GPS tracking. Today’s world presents bigger risks for our kids which means more responsibility for parents. Let technology help.

MamaBear child tracking app is available on the iPhone here

MamaBear child tracking app is available on Android smartphones here